As we all know, the State of Texas and public officials are scrambling to stop the spread of Coronavirus or COVID-19. Primary and secondary schools across the state have begun using various solutions to prevent the children from coming to school for the impending weeks. For instance, some schools are “extending spring-break” whereas others are

…All jokes aside, your failure to timely designate your period(s) of extended summer possession could impact your summer plans.
Continue Reading April 1st is More than Just April Fools’ Day: Missing the Deadline to Designate Extended Summer Possession in Texas is no Laughing Matter

In my previous two posts I defined the terms commonly used in custody determinations and the factors courts consider in determining custody. Now that we have these housekeeping issues taken care of, I’ll discuss the presumptions that apply in conservatorship determinations and the hurdles parents have to overcome in getting “sole custody.”
Continue Reading So you want sole custody?? Conclusion

In my previous post I talked about the various terms used in Texas courts regarding child custody. I also stated that the best interest of the child is the first priority for any Texas court presented in a conservatorship and/or possession determination. In this post, I’ll continue our discussion by looking at the factors courts consider in determining what is in the best interest of a child (i.e., the Holly Factors).
Continue Reading So you want sole custody?? Part Two

As a Dallas divorce lawyer, I frequently have clients that come into my office wanting “sole custody.” Custody is a term that means different things to different people. In this series of blog posts, I’ll explain how “custody” is determined in Texas. The first post in this series will define the words Texas courts use in determining custody issues.
Continue Reading So you want sole custody?? Part One

In a recent opinion by the Dallas Court of Appeals, the court held the trial judge did not err when he did not apply a domestic violence presumption in assessing child custody and did not record an interview with a child in the office outside the court room. In the Interest of S.E.K. & H.A.K., No. 05-08-00858-CV, — S.W.3d — (Tex. App. – Dallas, Aug. 28, 2009).
Continue Reading Standards to modify custody.