Spousal maintenance is a legal concept designed to provide financial support to a lower-earning or non-earning spouse after a divorce. In Texas, spousal maintenance is governed by specific laws and guidelines that aim to balance the financial needs and abilities of both parties involved.

In Texas, eligibility for spousal maintenance is not automatic and requires

Last week I touched on what you should do in a deposition, this week is all about what not to do. The list of don’ts gets a little bit longer than the list of do’s, and it’s also a tougher list to follow. But with the right preparation and practice, it can be done.


In my short career there is one thing that I’ve seen consistently derail both my cases as well as the opposing party’s. Text messages. For one reason or another people involved in contentious family law cases simply cannot stop sending text messages to the other party. I realize that that texting is standard for 2023

All fifty states offer an option for no-fault divorce. But only seventeen are considered true no-fault divorce states. A no-fault divorce is exactly what it sounds like. It is both parties deciding they no longer want to be married, and agreeing to end the marriage without having to prove that one or both spouses engaged

            It doesn’t matter what the nature of the case is; whether it’s a divorce, a petition for an increase in child support, or a modification for child custody, when there are kids involved in a family law matter, they are the most important subject of the suit.

            Divorce is tough enough on the actual

We’ve all heard the Kanye West lyric “If you ain’t no punk, holla we want prenup!” But what was he talking about and why was it important to the song? Prenuptial (also known as premarital) agreements are contracts that are entered into by future spouses before they are wed. The reasons a couple may to